Other Customs Matters

Other Information

Ports Information

You may check on the facilities and services provided by Ports Department here.

Ports Tariff:

Accounts Shipper and Consignee

  1. Wharfage (Cargoes Discharges or loaded at Ports Department Berth)
  2. a. Cattles, Horses B$ 3.00 Each
    b. Poultry B$ 1.00 Each
    c. Motor Cycles B$ 5.00 Each
    d. Motor Cars B$ 25.00 Each
    e. Pick-Ups, Vans B$ 35.00 Each
    f. Lorries, Buses B$ 50.00 Each
    g. General Cargoes and Cargoes not named above B$ 2.00 Each
  3. Storage: Stored in shed/open area or in containers
  4. 1 Day Free
    2 Days Free
    3 Days B$ 1.20 cts
    4 Days B$ 1.60 cts
    5 Days B$ 2.00 cts
    6 Days B$ 2.40 cts
    7 Days B$ 2.80 cts
    8 Days B$ 3.80 cts
    9 Days B$ 4.80 cts
    10 Days B$ 5.80 cts
    11 Days B$ 6.80 cts
    12 Days B$ 7.80 cts
    13 Days B$ 8.80 cts
    14 Days B$ 9.80 cts
    3rd Week Additional B$ 10.20 cts
    4th Week & subsequent weeks Additional B$ 15.00 cts
    b. Warehouse Rental B$ 1.00 per sq ft.

    Account Vessel

    1. Light Dues (Payable to Director of Marine) 10 cts per GRT

    2. Pilotage

    a. For First Hour B$280.00
    b. For each subsequent half hour B$140.00

    3. Towage

    a. For First Hour B$380.00
    b. For each subsequent half hour B$190.00

    4. Mooring and Unmooring at Berth

    a. Per operation for vessels less than 50m in length B$30.00
    b. Per operation for vessels 50m and above in length B$60.00
    c. Standby labour 30 minutes B$20.00

    5. Dockage (For the whole time vessels are berthed or along berth vessel)

    a. Working cargo for up to three days , per 100 Grt or part thereof per nearest hour B$0.50 cts
    b. Working cargo after three days, per 100 GRT per nearest hour B$2.00
    c. Not working cargo or two hours after completion of working cargoes B$5.00
    per 100 GRT per nearest hour

    6. Wharfage (Cargoes discharges pr loaded overside at Ports Department berth: at the anchorage or other approved private wharves.)

    a. Cattle, Horses B$1.50 cts each
    b. Pigs, goats B$0.50 cts each
    c. Poultry B$0.50 cts each
    d. Motor Cycles B$2.50 cts each
    e. Motor Cars B$12.50 cts each
    f. Pick-Up, Vans B$17.50 cts each
    g. Lorries, Buses B$25.00 cts each
    h. General Cargoes and Cargoes not named above B$0.75 cts per nearest tonne

    You may also check the other ports tariff here.