
Step 2
Apply Permit for Controlled Goods

All goods may be imported except for prohibited goods in accordance to Section 31 of the Customs Order, 2006.

Do check if the goods to be imported are controlled goods or goods subject to restriction from respective responsible agency in Brunei Darussalam. Restricted and Controlled Goods will require the necessary license or permit before importation.

You may search using the description of the goods or Harmonized System (HS) code. You may wish to check with your appointed Customs Agents (Forwarders) or to check directly with the respective responsible agency on their licensing requirement.

  1. What is meant by license or permit?

    License or Permit is a verification or approval issued by the respective responsible agency before importation.

  2. Types of goods and Responsible Agencies:
  3. Types of GoodsList of ItemsResponsible AgencyHotlines / EmailDocument RequirementApplication ViaSteps / ProcessesAdditional Info
    Recital of Al-Quran, Hadith, Religious books, Talisman commodities (such as textiles/ clothing etc.), bearing dubious chop/ photo​

    HS Codes

    Is​lamic Dakwah Centre


    Invoice BDNSW Steps


    Fresh, Cold, and Frozen Meat (Halal) HS Codes
    Agriculture and Agri-food Department+673-2380144
    List of Documents BDNSW Steps


    Halal Import Permit Issuing Board
    Brunei Darussalam Food Authority
    Royal Customs and Excise Department+673-2382333
    Firearms, Explosives, Fire Crackers and Dangerous Weapons
    HS CodesRoyal Brunei Police Force+673-2459500
    Documents will be uploaded soon. Please refer to Agency. e-Customs StepsManual Application
    Royal Customs and Excise Department+673-2382333
    List of Documents


    HS CodesTreasury Department (State Store)
    List of Documents BDNSW Steps


    Royal Customs and Excise Department+673-2382333
    Vehicles such as Cars, Motorcycles, Mini Buses, Pickups, Trucks and Trailers. HS CodesLand Transport Department+673-2451979
    List of Documents e-Customs Steps


    Royal Customs and Excise Department+673-2382333
    Alcoholic Beverages HS CodesMinistry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Protocol & Consular Department+673-2261177
    Documents will be uploaded soon. Please refer to Agency.Manual Application to AgencySteps will be uploaded soon. Please refer to Agency.Manual Application
    Prime Minister’s Office+673-2224645
    Royal Customs and Excise Department+673-2382333
    List of Documents e-Customs Steps


    Radio Transmitter and Receiver; Communications Equipment such as Telephone, Fax machines, Walkie-Talkie etc; Broadcasting Equipments such as Parabola, Decoder, etc. HS CodesInfo-Communication Technology Industry (AiTi)+673-2333780
    List of Documents BDNSW Steps


    Plants, Crops, Live Animals, Vegetables, Fruits, Eggs, Soil HS CodesAgriculture and Agri-food Department+673-2380144
    List of DocumentsManual Application to Agency StepsManual Application
    Fishes, Prawns, Shells, Water Organisms and Fishing Equipment etc HS CodesFisheries Department+673-2382068
    Documents will be uploaded soon. Please refer to Agency.Manual Application to Agency StepsManual Application
    Timber and products thereof HS CodesForestry Department+673-2381013
    List of DocumentsManual Application to Agency StepsManual Application
    Medicines, Herbal, Cosmetics, Poison, Chemcial Materials
    HS CodesMinistry of Health (Refer to the Pharmaceutical Services Department)+673-2381640
    List of Documents BDNSW Steps


    Healthy Foods, Soft Drinks and Snacks, Salt, Mineral Water
    HS CodesBrunei Darussalam Food Authority
    List of Documents BDNSW Steps


    Tobacco Products HS CodesMinistry of Health (Refer to the Tobacco Control Unit)+673-2381640
    Documents will be uploaded soon. Please refer to Agency.Manual Application to AgencySteps will be uploaded soon. Please refer to Agency.Manual Application
    Royal Customs and Excise Department+673-2382333
    List of Documents e-Customs Steps


    Radioactive Materials. HS Codes
    Safety, Health and Environment National Authority 
    List of Documents BDNSW Steps


    Mineral water HS CodesMinistry of Health (Refer to the Food Safety and Quality Control Unit)


    Documents will be uploaded soon. Please refer to Agency.BDNSW


    Cements, Stones, Sand, Bricks
    Authority for Building Control and Construction Industry


    Badges, banners, Souvenirs comprising of Government Flags and emblems, Royals Regalia, Government flags and crests


    Royal Custom and Tradition Department+673-2243971
    Documents will be uploaded soon. Please refer to Agency.Manual Application to AgencySteps will be uploaded soon. Please refer to Agency.


    Historical Antiques made or found in Brunei HS CodesMuseums Department+673-2244545
    Documents will be uploaded soon. Please refer to Agency.Manual Application to AgencySteps will be uploaded soon. Please refer to Agency.


    Gases that are characterized as Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS), under the purview of the Montreal Protocol HS CodesEnvironment, Parks and Recreation Department (JASTRE)+673-2241262
    List of Documents BDNSW Steps


    Ministry of Health (Refer to Pharmaceutical Services Department)+673-2381640


  4. How to apply license/ permit?
  5. You may:

    • Appoint a Customs Agents (Forwarders) to apply for permit on your behalf; or
    • Apply for permits for your own or on behalf of your clients. To do so, you will need to register as a declarant and apply for a BDNSW user ID.

    Some controlled or restricted goods still require a manual application for permit.

    You may wish to check with your appointed Customs Agents (Forwarders) or to check directly with the respective responsible agency on the application procedures.

  6. How much does license/ permit application cost?
  7. Some license/ permit are free of charge.

    You may wish to check with your appointed Customs Agents (Forwarders) or to check directly with the respective responsible agency on the charges involved.