Other Customs Matters

Customs Transit

Goods imported from abroad by land, sea or air, whether or not landed or moved within the country specific to be carried to other countries either with the same transportation or other transportation is known as transit. Goods in transit must be specified in the manifest that the recipient (CONSIGNEE) is specified to transit goods and not for other purposes.

  1. Goods can be in “transit”

    All items can be in transit except those controlled (restricted) and prohibited goods.

  2. How are goods classified as goods in transit?

    Goods must be supported by evidence of inward manifest. Destination of goods shall be stated in the manifest, and must be specifically reserved for overseas (non-domestic) use.

  3. Should the transit goods declared?

    Transit goods must be declared at the Customs Control Post during its first arrival to the country.

  4. What are documents required during declaration?
    • Original invoice
    • Other related information/documents.
  5. Do I have to produce any security or guarantee for goods in transit?
  6. No.

However, transit charges must be paid based on Customs (Customs Transit) (Amendment) Rules, 2009 as follows:

Type of goodsCharge per Transportation Unit
Normal Goods25
Dangerous and Controlled Goods100

On 1st November 2011, amendment was made to the Transit Charges for 9 types of goods (basic necessities) as follows:

Type of goodsCharge per Transportation Unit
LPG Gas50